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BiolleyFarms is a for-profit corporation in Costa Rica that implements the CULTIVO vision and brings into reality the environmental and socio-economic CULTIVO values. We are integral to the CULTIVO Brand & Initiative



The focal point of BiolleyFarms is a model/demonstration organic farm, Finca LILO, situated in the Biolley District of remote, rural Costa Rica. Purchased in June of 2008, Finca LILO was a degenerated mono-crop coffee farm fertilized by cow manure, undergoing conventional pesticide and herbicide application, subjected to other chemicals to “maintain” the coffee production. Due to this toxic practice, the ground was not soil; it was essentially dead dirt. 

 Today, through the decade-long efforts of BiolleyFarms, Finca LILO now is a flourishing, vegan food forest, nurtured by living soil, and producing boutique crops in abundance. These crops are the basis of the potent superfoods, nutraceuticals, botanicals, and other natural products produced by BiolleyFarms especially for our conscientious consumers who support wellness and conscientious capitalism.


BiolleyFarms is an SME's company, based in Costa Rica, that implements the BIOFARMS vision and makes the environmental and socioeconomic values of SUSTAINABILITY, INCLUSION and EQUITY a reality.

We are a Business Model, FAIR and Revolutionary for Sustainable Human Development, Hand in Hand with the Planet and the People.


The Biolley district is a resource-poor, rural area nestled in the mighty Talamanca mountain range in southern Costa Rica. It is adjacent to the La Amistad International Park, Central America’s largest protected park, home to over 4% of the world’s biodiversity, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site with ‘In Peril’ status. The park is also named as one of the five Mesoamerica protected rainforests ‘in danger’ by Leonardo DiCaprio’s organization and other international organizations. The vision of CULTIVO, as implemented by the activities of BiolleyFarms, act to protect this unique and spectacular natural treasure and its neighboring lands.




Cultivo Earth Logo


Following over a decade of transformation to a food forest, Finca LILO is increasingly integrated into our high altitude rainforest. Finca LILO and BiolleyFarms now are ready to reveal its success to the world. What better way to do this than to provide consumers with highly potent natural products that they may integrate into a daily healthy routine, and to provide information on how to gain over-all health and wellbeing both for themselves and the planet? As an international initiative, CULTIVO will reach out to both the local Costa Rica and international audiences. In so doing, CULTIVO invites the world to witness and participate in our integral model of wellbeing for the planet and its people.

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We live in a world where certification is needed in order to gain trust. Unfortunately, certification is a very expensive process. For small farmers, certification adds great cost and very little value, so the processes drives small farmers out of the certified organic market. Criteria for organic certification, for example, are much less strict than the food forest, bio-intensive and permaculture agriculture we practice on our farms.

Because certification will be advantageous or even necessary in some markets where we desire to offer BIOFARMS products, RubiFARMS is in the process of attaining several certificates including:

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One day we hope to see a world where those who are doing the right thing don’t have to pay for certification, and those who carry out destructive conventional agriculture must pay the full cost to society and the environment for their actions.

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If we don’t start food forest farming, we won’t have living soil, trees for oxygen or biontensive plants full of nutrition.


All of our natural nutrition comes from the soil. Living, thriving soil is largely missing on the planet today and more is disappearing at alarming, accelerating rates. 

Roughly 1/3 of the planet still has natural fertile soil, the rest is exploited or contaminated. Buildings are on top of it, cars drive over it and it is doused in chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides that kill flora and fauna alike.





More farms must be supported that are doing the right thing! More government assistance needs to arrive worldwide to farmers practicing regenerating their farms! Not more government subsidies for mega industrial farming companies that are killing the planet and people! 

Image by Johny Goerend

If we do nothing to change the way we cultivate our food, we will be eating industrial “food”, GMOs, industrial mono-cropped “food” grown on contaminated soil, fed by contaminated watersheds around the “living crops”. Truthfully, there will not be enough living, fertile soil to grow nutrient dense plants that our bodies need daily or to supply the world’s population on the planet with food. 1 out of 7 people on the planet are already starving. This will be a global crisis in a few years time. 

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Supreme quality fruit pulps and purees, with a dense richness that is beyond compare.

Two Costa Rica companies, Biolley Farms and Cañon Industries, partner to bring CULTIVO-branded consumer products to market. BiolleyFarms works with Cañon Industries, independent laboratories, and with the guidance of government organizations to develop products created by the CULTIVO brand team. Cañon Industries carries out the final steps in producing CULTIVO-brand products by processing, mixing, extracting, packaging and distributing products under the CULTIVO label.


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