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Empowering Food Forest Farmers  

Protecting Our Rainforests

'The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.' -Robert Swan

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 Do you know that rainforest ecosystems in the world are dying and disappearing at alarming rates? Even here in beautiful Costa Rica! While you read this, rainforests will burn to the ground, be  logged, mono-cropped, or sprayed with heavy-laden toxic chemicals, contaminating soil, air and water. 

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 Rainforests all over the world are suffering the consequences of industrial farming, for cattle, palm oil, coconut oil, pineapples and bananas.

The CULTIVO Earth Initiative aims to preserve and expand rainforest ecological systems by promoting agriculture that works in harmony with the natural environment.


We assist local farmers and their families with:


  • Instruction and guidance for micro-businesses 

  • Food forest farming, soil regeneration

  • Permaculture and biointensive-organic practices

  • Certificate attainment

  • Farm planning

  • Extra labor and tools needed in their first year or two

Cultivo has an integral solution to the socio-economic situation in rural Biolley in the mighty Talamanca Mountain Range. Cultivo has a cultivation solution for the world. No machinery, no outside products, just food growing under a tear leveled forest planned for abundance and soil health so that what dies back grows again. 

 Keeping the planet and her soil healthy with plants and trees for flora and fauna, to create a carbon sink for our tropical, high altitude rainforest. The select products that are cultivated on our boutique farms and lots, are carefully inspected, for quality and freshness. We have achieved high levels of beneficial plant compounds as a result.


Support the Cultivo Earth Initiative by contributing to our "Cultivo - All Things Turmeric" recipes e-book for $1 dollar, or pay as you feel. The book is dedicated to the resource poor, industrious and kind Biolley farmers, it has recipes for all to enjoy. All proceeds go directly to the community of Biolley and women’s groups working with Cultivo.

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