We are a Model of Sustainable Human Development... Hand in hand with the Planet and the People!
Biolley, a place to Dream.
Biolley is a magical corner hidden in the Powerful Talamanca Mountain Range, it is located in the Buffer Zone of the La Amistad International Park, one of the areas with the greatest Biodiversity in Costa Rica and the World.
Contrary to its natural wealth, Biolley is a remote place, with few employment possibilities, a local economy that is reduced, poorly developed and seriously threatened by the accelerated expansion of large-scale pineapple activity with high environmental impact, present in the area. Its inhabitants face the challenge of seeing their growth possibilities limited, accepting risky, poorly paid jobs or having to sell their land at low costs and being forced to migrate to marginal urban areas, increasing their vulnerability, with the socioeconomic impact that this entails.
Dream Weavers: "If you can Dream it, you can do it"
The Women of Biolley are characterized by their resilience, by a unique ability to face obstacles with a smile, by not resting until they achieve their goals and, especially, by that ability to dream, of a better future for themselves and their families than makes it unique.
Possessing amazing creativity and unwavering determination, they are capable of materializing and giving life to the unthinkable, becoming the icon of Biolley.
Cultivo Mujer Consortium: "A Dream of Human and Environmental Sustainability"
We are an SME company dedicated to the Production of Food Supplements, vitamins and Nutraceuticals, highly concentrated and Nutritious, from a Network of Bio Farms producing Super Foods, led by Women and Young Farmers. Our Project is based on 5 Great Challenges:
1. Environmental sustainability:
Syntropic Forests or Edible Forests:
Our Network of Farms are made as Bio-integrated Superfood Productive Systems, on regenerated soils and are adapted to the biodiversity present in the area, through Biointensive techniques of small-scale agriculture and permaculture, managing to enrich the recovered natural spaces. , with the presence of microorganisms, bioinputs, pollination, reforestation, living barriers, among other techniques, so that nature and human development achieve coexistence in harmony, respect and mutual benefit. This symbiosis impacts highly concentrated, nutritious and 100% natural crops, with the freshness and power of our Forests.
Use of Solar Energy:
Through the Manufacturing of "African Dryers" or Solar Dehydrators, we manage to enhance the therapeutic benefits of our foods, managing to add value to our production, within the processing chain, through the use of alternative and renewable energy.
2. Inclusion:
Women: We manage to empower women, making them visible in their role as leaders in charge of directing, developing and energizing the family economy, uniting the bulk of its core within the productive processes, through the cultivation, harvesting and processing of superfoods, to the production of Food Supplements, of high quality, concentration and demand within the food industry, managing to add value to their raw materials and participating in the value chain, which impacts an increase in their income and that of their families.
Young Farmers: We become a Development alternative for young farmers in the area, who are committed to environmental sustainability, the rational use of resources and the development of dignified and fair productive activities, managing to join efforts with the rest of the productive forces within of the family nucleus led by women, so that their income and its distribution increase, strengthening their economy, their dynamization and economic independence and that of their families.
3.Equity: BioFarms
We believe in Social Justice, solidarity and the Fair distribution of wealth, which is why our Farm leaders, as well as our collaborators, participate in the creation of a Common Brand, which represents our ideals of sustainability, inclusion and justice. , becoming partners of our registered brand and accessing a percentage of the profits derived from the sale of our products.
4. Innovation:
Natural, sustainable production, developed on a small scale and in an environmentally friendly manner, cannot compete with the import of raw materials, produced in plantations dedicated to monoculture, on deforested soils, with a high use of agrochemicals, burning practices and high degree of pollution, so small and medium farmers tend to abandon their lands and their means of subsistence, increasing the existing social gap.
We face the Challenge of Sustainable Production with Social Impact, managing to add value to our production, participating in the entire value chain, from soil regeneration, cultivation and harvesting of superfoods, dehydration and pulverizing of our raw materials, to the development of a line of differentiated, traceable products with high global demand in the personal care and well-being food industry, among those demanding consumers who opt for healthy lifestyles, incorporating highly concentrated and nutritious foods into their diet that reinforce their health, who seek to participate in purposeful projects that impact the benefit of the environment and sustainable human development.
5. Scalability and Chaining:
We assume our leading role as Defenders of the Environment, Food Safety and the Development of inclusive, sustainable and equitable Business Models, through the establishment of a Network of Groups led by women from the Southern part of the Country, around the following pillars:
Food Security through Training and development of agroecological models, female empowerment and leadership, and the creation of Creole seed banks.
Sustainable Business Models: Developed in Regenerative Agriculture and Livestock, Beekeeping, Syntropic Forests, Handicrafts, Rural Ecotourism and Natural Cosmetics.
Innovation: Add value within the processing chain, to obtain Differentiated, Innovative and Natural Products, that satisfy the demands of conscious consumers, who seek to participate in environmental projects with social impact.
Development is only Sustainable if we manage to join efforts in favor of the Common Good.
Our Project has received the support of Institutions and Organizations that promote Sustainable, Inclusive and Innovative Business Models, their contribution is essential to materialize our efforts and become Agents of Change:
Programa CREA-C para la Conformación de Consorcios Cultivo Mujer, AUGE, Universidad de Costa Rica https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=diprovid%20ucr
Promotora Costarricense de Innovación: Reto de Innovación https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=690515466443394&set=pb.100064548408204.-2207520000&type=3
Fundación Costa Rica por Siempre: Modelo de Sostenibilidad Humano y Ambiental https://www.facebook.com/ACRXS/videos/844406669926692
Our achievements!
We are a Winning team, the sum of joint efforts of Women and Men who join the Challenge of Sustainable Human Development. In 2022 we will begin the construction of a Network of Bio Farms led by Women and Young Peasants, for the Development and Dynamization of the Peasant Family Economy in remote areas. Today we become a Solid, Dynamic, Inclusive and Alternative Development model.
We invite you to be part of this Human and Environmental Sustainability Challenge... Hand in hand with the Planet and the People!
#BioFarms #Biolley #Mujeres #DeLaManoConElPlanetaYLaGente #BiolleyFarms #Sostenibilidad #CostaRica #BioReto #Inclusión #BioGranjas #DesarrolloSostenible #CambioClimático #Mujer #Campesinas #ConsorcioCultivoMujer #Encadenamientos #Equidad #JusticiaSocial #Solidaridad #DesarrolloHumano #SeguridadAlimentaria #SuplemetosAlimenticios #Juntos #Red #RedTalamanca #PILA #ParqueInternacionalLaAmistad