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Power foods? These potent powders are key for strength and vitality.

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Superfoods are Powerfoods!

Have you ever had a plate full of superfoods? We like to call them power foods. Have you ever had superfoods/ power foods for breakfast, lunch, dinner.....and even dessert? What about drinks, teas and non alcoholic cocktails? What is the number one powerfood? It's in one of these dishes in the photo below.......Dive into this quick and easy read to find out about all the superfoods that Cultivo biointensivo has in store for you and your health!

Cultivo Turmeric Powder-Cultivo Poder Natural-Cultivo Fuerza Vital 7 Ingredient Tea and Turmeric Ginger Tea-Turmeric Dried Pieces and Turmeric Powder 1. Turmeric: Turmeric, famously known as the golden spice, may be the most effective nutritional supplement in existence. Many high-quality studies show that it has major benefits for your body and brain. There are so many different ways you can ingest our very potent, clean and fresh Cultivo Turmeric to incorporate turmeric in your daily diet.

FOOD FOREST LOT 3-Turmeric hand and fingers right out of the ground at BiolleyFarms Food

BiolleyFarms cultivates and processes for the Cultivo biointensive label. Biolley, Buenos Aires, Costa Rica

Cultivo Ultrapotente-RS2 Resistant Starch and Prebiotic made from Green Bananas

2. Green Banana: An indigenous superfood and is slowly becoming popular. Banana flour, the superfood for a healthy life. ... “Raw banana powder is a good source of carbohydrates and potassium.

FOOD FOREST Lot 2- Green Bananas getting ready to fruit. BiolleyFarms cultivates and processes for the Cultivo biointensive label. Biolley, Buenos Aires, Costa Rica

Cultivo Fuerza Vital 7 Ingredient Tea-Papaya Leaf

3. Papaya Leaf: Papaya leaf is often consumed as an extract, tea, or juice and has been found to treat symptoms related to dengue fever. Other common uses include reducing inflammation, improving blood sugar control, supporting skin and hair health, and preventing cancer.

FOOD FOREST Lot 2- Papaya leaf is grown and cut when young, no fruit grows on the papaya plant, all the nutrients are concentrated in the leaves. BiolleyFarms, cultivates and processes for the Cultivo biointensivo label. Biolley, Buenos Aires, Costa Rica

Cultivo Fuerza Vital 7 Ingredient Tea-Graviola Leaf

4. Graviola leaf: Some studies have shown that the plant's active ingredients possess antioxidant, anticancer, anticonvulsant, anti-arthritic, anti-parasitic, anti-malarial, liver protective and anti-diabetic effects. Graviola / Soursop extracts have a promising potential for treating gastric ulcers.

FOOD FOREST Lot 3-Graviola fruit and graviola leaves are beneficial to consume! BiolleyFarms, cultivates and processes for the Cultivo biointensivo label. Biolley, Buenos Aires, Costa Rica

Cultivo Fuerza Vital 7 Ingredient Tea- Hibiscus Roselle Tea-Turmeric Ginger Tea

Dried Ginger Pieces

5. Ginger: It’s commonly used to treat everything from nausea to arthritis. And while the herbalists of yesteryear may not be able to tell you why ginger worked to relieve those maladies, today we know Zingiber officinale contains powerful antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties.

FOOD FOREST Lot -4 New Ginger growing in biointensive cultivated soil. We feed the soil with plants only and the soil feeds our boutique food forest crops. BiolleyFarms, cultivates and processes for the Cultivo biointensivo label.

Biolley, Buenos Aires, Costa Rica

Cultivo Fuerza Vital 7 ingredient tea-hibiscus roselle tea-fresh market-Cultivo Persian Lime

6. Citrus rounds: Citrus fruits are considered superfoods! This means that they are included in a special category of foods that are calorie sparse and nutrient dense. They pack a serious health punch!

FOOD FOREST LOT 8-Biointensive fruit orchards use hexagonal spacing so the tree leaves and branches touch from all sides, they form a canopy for the ground below. Tiquisque and charmol/ñampi or otherwise known as Taro, are grown under the lime orchard canopy. BiolleyFarms cultivates and processes for the Cultivo biointensive label. Biolley, Buenos Aires, Costa Rica

Cultivo Fuerza Vital Hibiscus Tea with Ginger and Persian lime.-Cultivo Hibiscus Roselle Tea

7. Hibiscus Roselle Flower: The plant contains antioxidants and essential compounds like anthocyanins, and flavonoids which come with many health benefits. Widely consumed all across the world, mostly as a lemony beverage, hibiscus tea has the power to balance your blood pressure, lower your cholesterol level and stabilize blood sugar as well.

FOOD FOREST Lot 6-Hibiscus Roselle Flower is grown and harvested before going to seed, dried and processed for our Fuerza Vital Tea with hibiscus roselle flower, ginger and persian lime. BiolleyFarms, cultivates and processes for the Cultivo biointensivo label.

Biolley, Buenos Aires, Costa Rica

Cultivo Fuerza Vital 7 Ingredient Tea-Black Pepper

8. Black pepper is often overlooked by many people, but a few sprinkles over your dinner can actually deliver a slew of benefits. Fights cancer, fights cough, antioxidant, skin cancer, improves digestion health.

FOOD FOREST Lot-7 Black Pepper Plant 3 years old. Ready for harvest.

BiolleyFarms cultivates and processes for the Cultivo biointensivo label.

Biolley, Buenos Aires, Costa Rica

8. Cultivo Fresh Market Rambutan-Rambutan: Rambutans are full of potassium, a mineral that helps your heart beat, kidneys function, and muscles contract. Rambutans are rich in vitamin C, which is a potent antioxidant. Consuming antioxidants helps fight off free radicals, which are waste products in your body that can damage your cells. Good for digestive health, strong immune system and to help fight cancer.

FOOD FOREST Lot-4 Rambutan grows in four of our 8 food forest lots. It is a very nutritious fruit! We sell it in the fresh market but are experimenting use of natural dyes and other works in the making. BiolleyFarms cultivates and processes for the Cultivo biointensive label.

Biolley Buenos Aires, Costa Rica

9. Cultivo Fresh Market Yuca- Yuca is one of those incredible superfoods. Yuca, also known as Cassava root, is not only healthy and full of benefits, it's also extremely delicious and easy to make. Native to South America and Africa, this food is featured in tons of authentic dishes! The most important nutritional component of cassava is Vitamin K, which promotes the building and development of bone mass, and prevents Alzheimer's.

Lot 5 Yuca grows in rows in this food forest lot. The yuca root is saved and replanted on a different lot each year. BiolleyFarms cultivates and processes for the Cultivo biointensive label. Biolley, Buenos Aires, Costa Rica.

10. Cultivo Fresh Market Tiquisque- (Malanga root): Tiquisque is an incredible source of potassium, a nutrient that's important for overall health. Potassium can help regulate and lower blood pressure. It can also prevent against conditions such as heart attack, stroke, kidney disorders, and muscle cramps. Tiquisque contains B vitamins and insoluble fiber that may help with constipation. It is gluten free and used to bake with as a wheat flour substitute.

FOOD FOREST Lot-6 Young Tiquisque is growing in lot 6. We move the tiquisque around the farm and replant each year. We continually plant and cultivate under our lime trees tiquisque and charmol every year. The symbiosis of the limes and the tiquisque growing together is a match made in heaven! BiolleyFarms cultivates and processes for the Cultivo label.

We'd love to know.........

Tell us how it works out! We'd love to know if you are feeling the difference with our teas for your hair and overall health! You can add these teas to your skin cream regime too! Be sure to remember your body needs inside wellness and beauty too! Drink up and here's to your health!

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This article is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult with your physician and dietitian regarding your specific health and dietary needs before making any dietary or lifestyle changes.


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