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What will make me feel young again? Here are 10 great ideas!

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Well here we are! We've come along way and want to go further! What makes this happen? What is it that can keep the spark alive? We at Cultivo say:

STAY ACTIVE AND INTERESTED, CURIOUS ABOUT LIFE! Show up in all your glory just as you are! Here are ten ways that might allow to set yourself on the path of adding more vitality, stimulation, love and longevity into your life's journey! 1. Get dressed and ready in the morning, Be sure to get outside and exercise.

You can’t think yourself into a fit 30-year-old’s skin, but staying physically active keeps your energy up and your brain sharp. You don’t have to run marathons,—just move. and get up to move several times a day. Maybe you have never been that active before, but you can begin working out online daily. You might not be crazy about it but you can see how fragility can limit a person. Once you make that decision align with it and stay with it. Make a decision to do the work and see and feel the benefits! If working out is not your thing, then get outside at least for 20 minutes daily no matter the weather (well if there is really bad weather do something online for exercise that day.) Be sure to look outside and if you can try to get out in all elements to feel alive! Lift weights or use resistance bands for 20 minutes with an online trainer . Chair pilates, chair yoga and more! Stay active and interested in life!

2. Smile more often. Tell yourself good things daily! “At times you might feel, that you are a little old for this,. Most times you won't be treated like an outsider. You might make new friends if you open up with a smile. Just resist the urge to give unsolicited advice or to criticize those younger than you. You want to create closeness not distance. You might make new friends that become very close to you and that you will stay in touch with often. Start with a smile! Stay active and interested in life!

3. Adopt or foster a new pet. There are so many loving dogs, cats and rabbits near you waiting for a family to call their own. Start searching for your new best friend or adopt at a Petco store. ... Get Involved · Put Your Love Into Action! Adopt a Senior pet! Stay active and interested in life!

4. Take an online class. Learn something new. The mind is a terrible thing to waste. Keep your mental skills up and learn new things you are interested in! This will keep your mind active and will feed your head with new information! This is a great tool to feeling younger! Learning something new is always refreshing, and exciting! Stay active and interested in life!


5. Drink more fluids to help your body stay clean and healthy. Believe it or not, drinking plenty of fluids is great for your skin. Water and beneficial ingredients such vital force teas and green smoothies with Cultivo Turmeric and Polvo Ultrapotnente powders with greens, fruits and water are considered as the wonder moisturizer, give vital force for a strong immunity and energy throughout the day. These liquids also reduce the appearances of fine lines on the skin, and in addition helps one to look younger and slimmer too. Not drinking enough pure water with beneficial tea ingredients or just plain pure water ( purified water) makes your skin puffy and can even lead to bloating. Stay active and interested in life!

6. Eat a healthy diet, incorporate healthy treats. Eat to feel much younger! Slow aging, rev up your metabolism, and drop pounds with some of the world’s most powerful anti-aging nutrients. Stay active and interested in life! Don't forget to use Cultivo products! All benefit anti-aging. Aging is a disease and does not have to be! You can grow older without aging! Stay active and interested in life!

7. Take your nutraceutical supplements. Vitamin D3 please! Make sure you are getting enough calcium too, Greens provide quite a bit of calcium believe it or not! Turmeric is at the top of the list for anti aging and other ailments: Turmeric and especially its most active compound curcumin have many scientifically-proven health benefits, such as the potential to prevent heart disease, Alzheimer's and cancer. It's a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and may also help improve symptoms of depression and arthritis. The Arthritis Foundation recommends 400 to 600 milligrams (mg) of turmeric capsules, four times per day, or half to three grams of the root powder per day for inflammation relief. One study in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that people with arthritis benefited from one gram of curcumin per day. Stay active and interested in life!

Cultivo Biointensive Turmeric Products are potent, fresh, healthy for children, adults and elderly adults.

8. Quit any bad or unhealthy habits such as weight gain, smoking or drinking. The secret to breaking bad habits is to love something greater than the habit. Start with inner awareness and learn to be your best companion, fall in love with yourself, take the time to nurture yourself and coax that bad habit out of your life! This is powerful and will make you feel exuberant! Celebrate when you are triumphant and even when you are not! You are on your way if you are trying! Stay active and interested in life!

9. Find someone who inspires you-We encourage a multigenerational relationship. It's good to reach out to other generations and get involved in what you feel interests you, who you admire or an organization you admire, volunteer, learn, stay curious. It is just as important to have friends your age too. Make connections and friends across the generations and you will be an intragal part of what is going on in the world. You might want to ask a friend that is your age to do something daring like skydiving or scuba. You will both feel alive and excited for this adventure. Try to go out with people your age that are positive and active. Stay active and interested in life!

10. Put some effort into your skincare routine. Wear sunscreen. Get glowing skin and gorgeous hair in as little as 4 weeks with our healing teas, water and smoothies! Make your own homemade beauty products just like all the younger women do! Stay active and interested in life!



Make your own turmeric beauty masks, spritzers and sunscreen!

Learn more about what you can do with turmeric with our All Things Turmeric Recipe Book for All Ages! Share this book with your family and purchase a few more ebooks for children's centers or grandchildren to enjoy too! Click here to enjoy All Things Turmeric.


Cultivo Products are grown in food forest lots under our special, high altitude rainforest in Southern Costa Rica.

BiolleyFarms cultivates and processes for the Cultivo biointensive label.

Potent products are harvested on our boutique lots and sold fresh every season. The turmeric has a higher than average Curcumin count.

Food Forest Lot 2, Banana, Turmeric (leaves are shown on the ground) Rambutan, and Graviola Trees are further down the lot.

BiolleyFarms cultivates in food forest lots

and process for the Cultivo biointensive label.

Biolley, Buenos Aires, Costa Rica

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We'd love to know.........

Tell us how it works out! We'd love to know if you are feeling the difference with our Cultivo products for overall health, flavor and beauty!

Cheers to your health!

A bit more about turmeric from the infamous Mayo Clinic:

Watch this quick Mayo Minute Video about Turmeric. Click here to see the video:

This article is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult with your physician and dietitian regarding your specific health and dietary needs before making any dietary or lifestyle changes.


Green For Life Victoria Boutenko Author of 12 Steps to Raw Foods and Green Smoothie Revolution Available on Amazon, and available on other book sale venues.


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