The RS2 prebiotic powder is made from green bananas potent from our food forests with high levels of folate and resistant starch. This powder is to be added in a smoothie or other drinks. It is especially helpful for pregnant woman for folate, babies for helping build good gut flora, lactating moms for all the vitamins and minerals baby needs, athletes to clean their "machine"-bodies and anyone else who wants to lose weight, clean their bodies and add more strength to the flora in your digestive system. It is good for all ages, helps with constipation and is a fantasic daily addition to your health regime. Add the powder to your smoothies, or drinks. Start of small with jut a half teaspoon and work your way up to at least one teaspoon a day of the powder in your smoothie. Idealy two teaspoonfuls for those who are active, have constipation or want to lose weight. Work your way up slowly to two teaspoonfuls because the powder is potent it will make you uncomfortably bloated and give you gass if you take in two tablespoons at once if you are not used to adding this powder to your drinks. The powder is flavorless to some or has a very slight flavor to others but it is not overpowering.
Health benefits: The benefits for this resitant starch are that the powder passes through your small intenstine and goes straight to your large intenstine to feed your good gut flora (good bacteria) it also helps to clean out the intenstinal walls to keep them clean or otherwise known as detoxing. This is vital to good digestive health and key to preventing gut diseases, which are the majority of diseases that are known. This resitant starch and prebiotic is one of the essentials in your kitchen pharmacy to stay well, youthful and free of disease.
Known Uses: Green smoothies, hot or cold drinks. Simply mix the powder in your drink or add to a smoothie.
Ultra Potent Powder: Green Banana Prebiotic
Pure, natural and ultra-effective digestive aid.
Resitant Starch Prebiotic Powder Cultivo Brand- Cultivo Polvo
Ultrapotente Also Known As: RS2 Resistant Starch/Prebiotic powder